The role of the Science and Innovation Panel
The Science and Innovation Panel (SIP) was set up to gain input from a wider range of health and research stakeholders much earlier in the call topic design process. As such, the SIP is tasked with providing the Governing Board with science-based advice on a range of matters, including:
- IHI’s draft work programmes, and in particular the scientific priorities and draft call topics;
- updates to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA);
- scientific achievements of projects funded by IHI;
- the planning of additional activities carried out by the industry partners;
- the set-up of advisory groups focused on specific scientific priorities;
- synergies with other Horizon Europe activities, including other European partnerships, as well as other EU and national programmes.
The current list of members can be found under the Members tab. The Chair of the SIP is Anna Chioti, and the Vice-Chair is Ralf Herold. They were elected in 2022 and their mandate lasts for three years.
- Read our interview with Anna Chioti and Ralf Herold on how the SIP works.
The composition of the SIP is set out in the legislation creating IHI and includes the following permanent panellists:
- two representatives of the European Commission;
- four representatives of the IHI industry partners;
- two representatives of the States' Representatives Group (SRG);
- four representatives of the scientific community;
- up to six other permanent panellists, representing the wider healthcare community, including the public sector, regulatory bodies, patients and end-users in general.
The European Commission, industry partners and SRG nominate their own representatives, while the representatives of the scientific and wider healthcare communities were appointed by the IHI Governing Board following a call for expressions of interest held at the beginning of 2022. When selecting representatives, the board focused on applicants’ expertise and experience and the recommendations of the States' Representatives Group, while also ensuring the panel is balanced in terms of subject areas and stakeholder groups, geographical coverage, and gender.
In line with the IHI legislation, the Chair of the SIP was appointed from among the four representatives of the scientific community, and is invited to attend IHI Governing Board meetings where relevant.
Ad-hoc panellists
The SIP panellists from the European Commission, industry partners and SRG may invite ad-hoc panellists with key scientific or technical expertise to discuss specific subjects with the SIP.
Representatives of the scientific community
- Mario Campone - Director General of the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest (ICO); Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Angers / Oncologist at the Department of Medical Oncology (ICO) (France)
- Anna Chioti (Chairperson) - Head of Division Pharmacy and Medicines, Luxembourg Health Directorate - Direction de la Santé (Luxemburg)
- Jiri Mekyska - Head of the Brain Diseases Analysis Laboratory, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)
- Maroeska Mariet Rovers - Professor of evidence-based surgery & Director of Health Innovation Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Katariina Gehrmann - Head of Digital and Innovation services, Department of Children and Adolescents, HUS Helsinki (Finland)
- Ralf Herold (Vice-Chairperson) - Senior Scientific Officer, Task Force Regulatory Science and Innovation, European Medicines Agency
- Eva Hummers - Family physician in Department of General Practice, Göttingen University Medical Centre (Germany)
- Peter Kapitein - CEO and Patient Advocate, Inspire2Live (The Netherlands)
- Annika Tibell - Director, Research, Development, Education and Innovation, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Claudia Wild - Director & CEO, HTA Austria - Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (AIHTA) GmbH (Austria)
- Arjon van Hengel - Deputy Head of Unit for Health Innovations & Ecosystems, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
- Jerome de Barros - Policy Officer in the Unit for Digital Health, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
- Sibilia Quilici (representing EuropaBio and Vaccines Europe) - Executive Director, Vaccines Europe
- Katrin Rupalla (representing EFPIA) - Global Head Regulatory Affairs, J&J Innovative Medicines
- Christian Muehlendyck (representing MedTech Europe) - Scientific Partnerships Lead Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) J&J MedTech at Johnson & Johnson
- Ignacio Vallines (representing COCIR) - Head of Strategic Partnerships at EMEA, Siemens Healthineers
- Martha Cahill - SRG Chairperson (Ireland)
- Jasper Claessen - SRG Vice-Chairperson (The Netherlands)
Details of how the Science and Innovation Panel works are set out in the SIP rules of procedure.
- 18-19 September 2024: agenda | meeting report
- 6-7 March 2024: agenda | meeting report
- 14 September 2023: agenda I meeting report
- 3-4 July 2023: agenda I meeting report
- 22-23 March 2023: agenda | meeting report
- 26 January 2023: agenda | meeting report
- 18 October 2022: agenda | meeting report
- 13-14 September 2022: agenda | meeting report
- 29 June 2022: agenda | meeting report
- 31 March - 1 April 2022: agenda | meeting report